Lynne & Ali's Hot-Tub Holidays

Bookings & Availability


To make a booking:

  1. Check out our availability & pricing using the Online Booking Tool immediately below 
    1. All dates in Green are available
    2. Click on any underlined date to see prices for any midweek, weekend or full week(s) stay.
  2. N.B. You will need to add the following charges:
    1. £100 damage deposit to the holiday price, but this damage deposit is fully refundable after your break, so long as you leave the holiday home as you found it).
    2. Guest Passes - Optional - see Guest Passes page on the website  for more information & prices. 
  3. Complete the form to make your provisional booking - this will automatically reserve your holiday & stop others 'stealing' your dates whilst you organise your deposit payment!  
  4. We will email you confirmation & provide a link for you to pay your deposit (£100), which will secure your holiday - please note that if your holiday is in less than 6 weeks, you will need to pay in full. 
  5. Your final balance will be due 6 weeks before your holiday.
  6. Payments can be made securely online via PayPal*, or you can choose to pay by bank transfer, & the system will give you our bank details

*Please note that PayPal will allow you to pay by credit / debit card - you do not need to have a PayPal account

Everything can be completed online, but you are always welcome to talk to us at any time, before or after you confirm your booking.

      --We have invested in a live booking system, so the availability is real-time & will automatically update as bookings are made--


If you would sooner make an enquiry at this time, or would sooner book over the phone, please drop us an email at:

We will try to answer your questions immediately, & always within a few hours.